Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 767 You’ve Got Work To Do.

The Silva Elder could not help but sneer at her words as he said,

"Seriously? Another doomed attempt at a takeover?" he asked and Isabella\'s golden eyes glowed brightly while she was exuding the pressure of her cultivation and flew into the air almost subconsciously.

Just her floating was enough to present the serious intentions of the Danes just as Damien yelled out as the Dane Patriarch,


That yell seemed like a signal to the many Dane experts that could be seen already trooped outside the Silva Territory... They charged in and the battles began.

Saints, the majority of whom were senior members of the family, took to the air as the semi-Saints and Cosmic Pagoda realm experts clashed with the output of Silva experts.

Devon summoned his cosmic Armament and the expression on his face made it clear that he was adopting the no-nonsense and war veteran persona that had earned him the moniker of "the Dane monster".

When he spread his Semi-Saint wings (only available to experts at the peak of the Semi-Saint realm) and took to the sky, it was mostly to be in charge of strategies while he backed orders that every single member of the Dane family obeyed.

Damien took to the sky as well but he did so effortlessly without wings which signaled that he was a Cosmic Saint and that was indeed the case.

Both Devon and Damien were geniuses... Damien, the younger of the twins, had an edge in cultivation success while Devon had an edge in battle tactics and a consciousness for planning... He was not all-knowing by any means but he sure try his best.

Both brothers had aspects they were better than the other at and it was why Devon had decided not to become Patriarch after their mother stepped down, claiming that Damien was better suited to the task while he(Devon) went off and fought in the Haron army and gained renown as a general.

The title of general as well as all the merit points he had wracked up had, however, not been enough to get the Imperial family to support his family against the Silvas.

The Imperial family thought fairly highly of the Silvas on account of their loyalty when they first began their conquest and the best the Danes could ever hope for was that they would be indifferent should they(the Danes) successfully be back in power.

Devon almost chuckled to himself at the thought that he was actually going along with Hal\'s supposed foolproof plan... He almost could not believe he had been convinced to go along with it and the feeling was even worse for Damien the Patriarch who was doing a lot of pride swallowing at the moment.

Damien, being a one-star Saint was among the ranks of Saints to fight in this battle and was at his very best fur his family.

Only experts at least at the peak of the Cosmic Aurora realm were brought to be a part of the battle and even then, they (Cosmic Auroras) mostly stayed out of the way of their more powerful brethren. The last thing any of them wanted was to get caught by the attacking Cosmic Saints.

The Dane Elders in the sky, who had been casting spells to create golden attacking constructs were broken apart by the Silva Elders and a battle quickly ensued but the two groups of Elders had the good sense to take their fight higher up.

They had members of their family down below and would hardly want the blowback of their battle to affect them.

Starting off, the Silvas had the advantage in numbers and when compared individually, they also had the advantage in strength.

There was a reason the Danes had been skeptical and why it had taken a lot of convincing from Isabella to convince the Elders to actually be a part of it all.

There was already bad good between Isabella and the Elders who she still blamed for the death of her husband and the Elders were not particularly fond of her either and there were going to be consequences for her should the plan fall flat.

Should things not turn out as she had stated they would, the Danes would likely survive (they had survived after failures before) but Isabella would be the one to bear a lot of the consequences.

Speaking of Isabella, she let out the pressure of her Six-star Cosmic sainthood and had her spatial Ordinance at the ready.

The Elder she was facing widened his eyes out of surprise at her cultivation which he had not expected to be so high.

Seeing Isabella in combat was quite rare and she kept her advancements well under wraps while being extra secretive with the Tribulations of Sainthood she went through just like any other Saint.

That said, wide-eyed surprise the Elder might feel but fear was totally absent.

He was still superior with two stars and he also possessed an Elemental Ordinance. He taunted Isabella to take the first swing and that was exactly what she did.

Smacking her palms together, she cast a spell and created a giant palm of the golden flames with her bloodline energy which she struck the Elder with.

The Elder did not flinch, he met the spell with his fist and canceled it out with a loud *bang!* only for the spell to be followed by two others.

"Pointless" the Elder scoffed canceling the spells as he had done with the first one but when the explosive remnant of the cancellation was gone, Isabella was flying at him.

The Elder chuckled and struck at her with a cosmic attack imbued with Saint energy but Isabella just smiled as she opened a rift that swallowed the cosmic attack after which she continued at the Elder who frowned.

The Elder began to exude a primal force, the sort of force known to accompany the use of an Ordinance which was exactly what he was using.

Isabella felt the air around her get thicker somewhat and form a barrier around her that was preventing her from reaching her opponent.

Even though being a Cosmic saint, Isabella was capable of holding her breath almost infinitely, she was immediately short of breath.

She felt choked up... her ability to survive without breathing was overridden.

The Elemental Ordinance of Wind.

Just like other Ordinances, the Ordinance of wind went past its literal meaning or use... It was a principle. With the Ordinance of wind, the Silva Saint could seize the \'breath\' of his opponent and choke them out.

Also, with air being all around, it allowed the Elder to form barriers to make his opponent more sluggish in their movement or just stop them from moving altogether.

As this was the doing of an Ordinance, it could not really be overcome with brute cultivation strength, especially not in this case where the Elder was stronger.

Anyway, Isabella had no intentions of attempting to fight it with her cultivation... Not when she had her Ordinance.

A spatial shimmer around her and she was free after which she took a sharp breath but she was met with an attack that she could not dodge.


The hit sent her flying back in the air just as the Elder flew towards her, seeming very intent on lading a crushing blow.

The moment he got close enough to Isabella that they were only separated by an inch or two, the Elder realized he was no longer getting any closer to her.

He was still flying at his top speed but space had been warped by the Dane patroness so that no matter how hard he tried, he could never get close.

Isabella then revealed that she had been injured by his attack but was still fit enough to grab his outstretched hand and wrack his insides with the golden flames of her bloodline with the intention of destroying him from the inside.

While this was going on, allies of the Silva family in the Silva Duchy capital, all of some had received damage from the monsters, were still mobilizing as many experts as they could to assist the Duchy rulers.

This sort of interference was further evidence of why the Silvas were titans of the Duchy... Their family\'s impressive strength was not the only reason they had remained at the top all these years.


Meanwhile, in a part of the Duchy palace that was a bit underground and structured as a protective bunker, the Silva Duke lay unconscious.

He had been moved there once the battle began to keep him out of the way of attack and was guarded by five Cosmic Pagoda realm experts who had so far been uninvolved in the battles thus far.

The guards took their task very seriously so you can see why they quickly noted the arrival of a blue-eyed intruder.

"Hey, you shouldn\'t be here!" said one, and they all prepared attacks not willing to listen to any words to potentially come out of the mouth of the intruder.

Hal waved his hand and all five were slammed by a mighty force that slammed them all into the wall and each other... Three more nonchalant hand waves and all five slumped to the ground, unconscious.

Hal then proceeded to unlock the door and walk in to find the Duke lying in a large bed with no one else present.

He felt the overall security was lacking and that was even though he had deactivated/destroyed a few Arrays to get into the bunker and face the now-unconscious guards.

He placed a hand on the Duke\'s chest and negated whatever residue of Elenor\'s death touch was still inside him before force-feeding him a few mending pills.

In two minutes, the Duke finally stirred and he looked over at Hal who was sitting calmly by his bedside,

"Wakey wakey, sleeping ugly, you have work to do"

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