Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 766 Taking Back What Belongs To Us!

It did not matter that the Emperor\'s one-shot attack had got the weakest of the Transcendent beasts present, what mattered was the ease with which it had been done.

The draw-out was successful... There was a vague gauge of his capabilities and many of the Transcendent beasts still alive, who had put up defenses, speculated that it was time to leave.

Hal who was watching this all through his anchor was in a bit of a shock at the level of power wielded by the Emperor and it had him wondering just how powerful the complete force of the Harons was.

How powerful were the individual Elders, of which there were many, and how powerful were they all together?

What massive trick and trump card did the Haron Family still have that they had not yet let out?

Should the Dystopian Devils decide to just go all out and turn this invasion into an all-out war, there was not much guarantee that they would be victorious... Those who were battling them so far, and doing well, were only Harons.

Should this turn into an all-out battle, there were so many families in the Imperial City who would rise to fight alongside the Harons.

Powerful Generals of the Haron Empire Army (that includes any eligible fighter) were already making their way to the Palace to offer their assistance.

Despite the delegates that had been sent to the Devil Tribe for this invasion, the ones truly bearing the losses in this battle were the Devils and the longer it went on, the more they were putting themselves in unfavorable situations with their place in the ruling quad of the Dystopian Continent.

At this point, almost every delegate from the four other ruling powers, who had been sent along with the Devils for this invasion was dead.

The Emperor had made his appearance and immediately, they all began to backtrack seeking the portals that would take them back to their continent.

Hal\'s anchor did not disappoint...

As long as any Dystopian got themselves away from the enemy on time, they were swallowed by the portals.

"An escape from me? Haha" Amador chucked and the sky above was suddenly covered with dark clouds that were cracking with green lightening...

*Kraka* *Kraka* *Kraka* *KRAKABOOOOOM!!!*

Multiple lightning strikes descended from the sky onto multiple transcendent beasts with the ones who got hit quickly summoning the entirety of their strengths to defend against it.

A good number of them survived but they were sapped of every bit of strength in their body and could barely lift a finger afterward.

Good thing was that, alive or dead, a large portal appeared to swallow them all before they hit the ground.

Amador who was preparing another attack furrowed his brows at the one he had briefly sensed opening the portal.

He zeroed in on the small bit of energy signature but even before he made strike it down, it was gone.

He kept his senses trained for that mysterious figure even as he rained down more lightning strikes.

This time though, an attack struck him from above to distract him from totally following through with his attack.

The one who had sent the attack was the Dystopian Harlyn had been battling in the sky and when the Emperor looked up at the Dystopian while smacking the attack aside, he saw his wife charging after him.

The Dystopian retrieved a vial and drank the nefarious Alchemical mixture within and the effects were immediate.

His body became completely crimson and his red eyes were now glowing with feral intensity while his strength skyrocketed.

Despite what his savage expression might say, he could still think as normal and the vial had just given him the strength to hold back the Emperor and Empress while every Dystopian got to return home safely.

There would be side effects but they would be side effects to be handled later when this was all over.

The Devil chieftess was calling off the Invasion and would not be sending any more reinforcements.

Alas, despite nefarious boost, the Dystopian was constantly forced onto the back foot.

The Emperor and Empress did not fight in tandem and did not showcase any impressive chemistry as the man and wife that they were, but they did know how and when to stay out of each other\'s way.

As she was the one who had been fighting him at the start, Harlyn landed the first few blows at which point, the Dystopian turned his attacks and antics towards the Emperor who had an \'Alright, I\'ll bite\' look on his face before engaging the enraged Dystopian Devil.

It only took five minutes for every one of the still-alive Dystopians to be swept into the portal that would take them back home.

The nefariously boosted Dystopian was getting his ass handed to him but he had managed to accomplish what he wished to accomplish.


He forced separation from Harlyn to put enough distance between them for him to pull the mysterious figure closer.

The mysterious figure was now in front of him and both the Emperor and Empress could better observe the figure, which was still shrouded by dark fog, to be female and they observed that just as a portal opened in front of the mysterious female.

Out of the portal blast an attack that appeared to have no origination.

Sensing the danger in that attack, the Emperor pulled his wife behind himself and slashed the attack down in the middle which caused it to go wide and destroy a few structures in the Palace.

It all took place in a second or two and that was vital timing which the boosted Dystopian and the Mysterious figure used to enter the portal so that it closed after them immediately after.

It was over...

The palace ground was littered with the bodies of dead Dystopians but was also littered with that of dead Harons.

"How... How the hell did this happen?" The Emperor asked in a low rumbling sound that seemed ominous.

How had they gotten here?

Were there more invasions to be expected?

His mind went to Makena of the Silver moon sect who was especially charged with divining these sorts of future problems but had been quiet.

\'Or could this refers to the darkness she said was looming over the continent?\' the Emperor asked himself.

He wanted answers but he also realized that this meant the Haron Continent would now have to prepare themselves for situations they previously thought impossible.

If there had been any thoughts of taking hold of the bodies of the dead Dystopians, those thoughts were all quickly tossed aside as self-destructive marks had been placed on the necks of every one of them.

Never had the Dystopians planned to leave anyone of their own behind, dead or alive and so, all those who went for the expedition had been fitted with fail-safes to stop the Harons or humans in general from taking advantage of any secrets they might hold.

The destructions of the bodies were simultaneous so that the only signs that there had been a battle were the destroyed structures and the bodies of Haron men and women who lost their lives.

They had killed a good number of Dystopians too but no Haron man or woman considered themselves winners... They had lost this battle and in regards to the implications of this battle and the unanswered questions, they were at a massive loss.



Silva Duchy Capital...

The detonation of the monsters had wrought a lot of destruction on the powerful family territories and especially the Silva Family territory.

Every Semi-Saint and Cosmic Saint who was at the third star of the realm or lower was greatly affected when caught up in the explosions.

Clement Silva was being nursed back to health and there was confidence that given time, he would recover.

Unknown to them all, the one and only Infinite Sovereign Devil had taken advantage of the Duke\'s weakened state to tie him to Infinity.

In fact, every Silva man or woman who had recently received enough damage to be made susceptible was tied to Infinity.

This meant that every Silva man or woman who had been involved in the battle, apart from the Elders, was now brought under Hal\'s Command... An essential detail for what was to happen next.

An hour after the battle ended, a meeting was organized. The meeting would be missed by the Duke who was recovering from his attack through the portal but it was to go on nonetheless.

The meeting was interrupted though by an ominous sound and feel that suddenly descended over the Duchy palace.

Elderly men and women sporting the signature golden eyes of the Dane family appeared above the Duchy palace and joined hands to cast a spell with their bloodline energy...

Golden constructs rained down from the sky and continued from where the Dystopians had left off.

Of course, the Elders as well as all eligible fighters trooped out and they found the Elders casting their joint spell while Isabella Dane stood in the courtyard, flanked by her twin sons.

"Isabella, what is the meaning of this?" asked a Silva Elder while the rest of his fellows moved to stop the spell of the Dane Elders in the sky.

"We are taking back what belongs to us!" Isabella said and despite her confident expression and pose, she was actually very unsure of herself.

Thanks to Hal, they had known practically all that would happen in the Duchy capital and had planned accordingly.

Minutes before the monsters detonated, they had also been warned and had done enough to not get caught up in the explosions.

Yes, the Dane territory was attacked just like the others but the Danes themselves (the actual people living there) had been mostly unscathed.

Anyway, Hal had gone to Isabella after the donations were over and told her all was perfectly set up and she was to continue as he had previously instructed her.

While she was going along with it all, Isabella remained skeptical...

In her mind, she still believed that the takeover of the Duchy was not something that could be completed so fast... She believed a takeover was a slow meticulous and pain-stacking process and she did not see how it could be so easily achieved.

Two days he had said.

Two days and despite this recent attack, the Silvas still appeared as strong as ever.

However, Hal assured her that her dream, as well as that of all Danes, was just around the corner.

She chose to believe him.

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