My Extraordinary Achievements

Chapter 104 - Basketball Shooting Machine

Chapter 104: Basketball Shooting Machine

Fat people were strong. That was understandable but this strong? It was not scientific!

Was it really a 7.26 kg lead ball he tossed?

He only threw 8 meters just now, but in twenty minutes, there was a three-meter increase!

Afterward, all the guys looked enviously over at Jiao Yan Ran, not Meng Fan. This sister was too fierce. Was her training skill this high?

There were some bold guys among them, who approached Jiao Yan Ran with a stern face, eagerly asking, “Sister, please teach us!”

After leaving her training mode, Jiao Yan Ran returned to her state of shyness. How could she take such a tone; her ears turned red immediately.

One of the boys from the crowd appeared out of nowhere with a javelin, handing it to Jiao Yan Ran. Unafraid, he spoke, “Sister, we’re all counting on you.”

The guy who had asked for tutelage shrunk back. “This really is heartwarming!”

With such a commotion, the vicinity of the area broke out into laughter.

Jiao Yan Ran took the javelin; this time her face turned red too.

Wang Ya Nan laughed as she spoke. “Herding one sheep is the same as herding a flock. Just take them with you and train them together.”

Jiao Yan Ran had a good temperament. She then thought about it privately. These few guys wouldn’t be able to toss past ten meters, so it wouldn’t affect Meng Fan’s victory. So she agreed.

The boys were happy seeing her agree, not just to make their performance better, but part of it stemmed from their interest to train with or be trained by a beautiful girl. It started out dryly, but now practice was way more vivid.

Maybe someone had caught onto the words ‘teach’ and ‘herd sheep’, for the boy who had asked for help was a talented specimen. Happily, he began singing. “I want to be a lamb, sitting next to her. I wish she had a thin whip and continually hit me.”

Meng Fan, who had just returned from collecting the lead weights, was dumbstruck. Was the famous song by Mr. Wang Luo Bin sang like this? How did the original feeling from listening to it differ so much from what he heard now? Or did the original song intend for this meaning, and he didn’t understand it before?

Pretty badass!

Meng Fan looked at the guy who had asked for training. He saw some hints of Zhang Zhou Wei!

‘Hey, where was Zhang Zhou Wei?’

‘Didn’t Wang Ya Nan just call him? It’s been twenty minutes, and he’s still not here. Man’s got balls!’

Just as he was thinking about it, Meng Fan saw Zhang Zhou Wei squandering over. Once he came, he faced Wang Ya Nan with pain on his face. “I came long ago, but I was running downstairs too fast, so I twisted my ankle!”

“Zhang Zhou Wei, you worked pretty hard to avoid practice!”

Wang Ya Nan did not believe it. When she looked carefully at his swollen ankle, she became flustered. “Why did you come here if you twisted your foot, couldn’t you have called me? Let’s go quickly to the infirmary. I’ll help you. Slow down, hey slow down!”

Meng Fan originally wanted to help, but seeing Zhang Zhou Wei turn to him and bat his eyes bashfully, Meng Fan stopped. He didn’t know if he had really twisted it, but he was sure Zhang Zhou Wei did not want his help. His ruse of self-injury was waiting to win her heart with a bitter love story.

‘Better keep practicing.’

The bystanders who had been practicing shot put were lined up waiting for Jiao Yan Ran’s training. Meng Fan took all the shots, trying it over and over again. He seemed quite serious.

Before each toss, he would play the action first in his mind. Jiao Yan Ran had taught him this. He should never blindly believe his ‘feelings’ and throw it right away.

After tossing several more, the familiar feeling stayed. On his fourth toss, he successfully threw 12 meters!

In the next seven or eight minutes, Meng Fan threw out three more scores over 12 meters.

After a round of tossing, he picked up the weights and rested for a moment before the second round. Out of a dozen tosses, he had tossed seven that had reached 12 meters. The best toss seemed to be 12.50 meters. He could qualify for a second tier national level athlete!

When it came to running, based on Meng Fan’s figure, no matter which category he tried, he wouldn’t even make the third tier national level, nonetheless the second tier.

But shot put, Meng Fan naturally had advantages; it could even be called a gift!

Once stabilized, the few who had asked for guidance were itching to try, so Meng Fan gave them his position.

When Jiao Yan Ran trained the boys, Meng Fan obviously snuck some glances from time to time. Only he didn’t pay attention. If Wang Ya Nan had been present, she would have noticed Jiao Yan Ran’s attitude toward them was different compared to when she was teaching Meng Fan.

Everything else aside, when practicing for strength, she had personally held on Meng Fan’s hand to teach him, but with these two, she had made them pair up and take turns practicing. Since the number of people was odd, one of the groups had three people.

“Thank you, sorry for disrupting your training.”

Meng Fan walked toward Jiao Yan Ran. He was a bit embarrassed.

Jiao Yan Ran smiled and shook her head. She originally came with Wang Ya Nan to help her train them and help guide others in their class. As for her, she exercised daily, so practicing more or less didn’t make much of a difference.

“What category did you sign up for?” Meng Fan asked.

“Same as last year.” Jiao Yan Ran thought Meng Fan was not familiar with sports before, so she added a sentence. “High jump, long jump, and triple jump.”

Meng Fan was not surprised. After all, she was once a provincial volleyball athlete; her jumping abilities must be incredible.

After casually talking for a while, Meng Fan had wanted to ask Jiao Yan Ran to teach him how to toss a javelin, but he was too embarrassed to take up more of her time. “I can train on my own for the next few days, so I won’t distract you anymore. Uhm, when you’re done I’ll buy you dinner.”

She had wanted to coach him more, but it was difficult to chase after him and train him. She felt slightly regretful and quickly waved her hand. “It’s alright, I don’t need to.”

“Of course you need to! You have to eat.”

Meng Fan was firm. He then headed off to run after tossing a few more weights.

There were too many people on the track, so he stopped running once the sun disappeared. He gave Jiao Yan Ran a heads up and left to shower.

Zhang Zhou Wei and Wang Ya Nan joined them for dinner. After dinner, he didn’t go night touring but headed to an arcade nearby instead.

He had just left the track field and passed by the basketball court. With thick skin, he asked for a basketball and tried scoring, confirming that shooting baskets counted as a tossing method.

Going to the arcade was obviously to gain experience for the [God Tier Pitcher] task.

There were several basketballs in one machine. Plus, the ones shooting it didn’t have to retrieve it once they shoot it. This would increase his efficiency.

Meng Fan had been to the arcades in the past, having come to this one twice. It was seven o’clock when he arrived, so the place was pretty packed.

Meng Fan walked through the doorway past a group of DDR dancers. The reason for the giant crowd surrounding it wasn’t because there was a beautiful girl or a big sister dancing and attracting people, but a … Grandpa!

It was a grandpa dressed in a trendy fashion from head to toe. He had to be about 50 years old, but his spirit made him look no older than 30. His smile was almost too bright. As he laughed and danced, his moves were full of ecstasy, and his moves were very powerful as well. It was almost too easy for him to attract people.

Even Meng Fan was drawn to him and watched an entire song, applauding him from the bottom of his heart.

The skill of this grandpa should be invincible in his age group. But anyone ten years older… Then that might not necessarily be the case.

After all, at sixty years old, he started engaging in square dancing. Those uncles and aunties have real strength!

After buying a game card, Meng Fan headed toward the row of basketball machines. There were several people there, so there were only a few empty machines. Meng Fan picked one and inserted his card.

The gate opened, and five basketballs rolled out. Meng Fan picked one up but felt it over for a long time without throwing.

Jiao Yan Ran said that he must familiarize himself with the ball!

He felt the weight. He turned the size in his hands and felt the pressure…

“Big brother, did you remember something?”

At this time, a small shota looked at Meng Fan with concern on his face. “I learned a new proverb called “seeing something and thinking of someone”. Are you doing just that right now?”

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