Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Chapter 18 - Weapons shop

Chapter 18 - Weapons shop

The moment Ren entered the shop, the first thing he noticed was the dust surrounding the whole place. It was pretty obvious that the owner of this establishment didn\'t care about the customers. Valdel who had entered first was calling for the shopkeeper to appear.

Yet no matter how much he screamed no one responded. Ren on the other hand noticed a letter on a desk. Since there was no clue that could indicate where the shopkeeper was Ren decided to read it.

"To those that see this letter.

All the items in here are free, but you can only take one item out. Taking more than one will force you to stay here for eternity as punishment. To you chosen few, I hope you make the right decision.

P.S. If you leave this establishment you wont be able to see it again.

Sincerely yours,

Alphonso De Velarie"

When Ren was done reading the letter it shredded itself until nothing remained. It was only at this moment Ren noticed that Lara wasn\'t in here with them. He then proceeded to spread out his mana trying to check outside, but the moment his mana went out of the shop, he felt that the connection was cut off from himself. He then release the full amount of his mana to try and break free from the binding of this dimension, but it was no use.

\'I was too distracted, I didn\'t even notice we have been transported into a pocket dimension. Still the owner of this place is leagues above my current self. Heck based solely on the ability to make a pocket dimension and transport me into it without my notice already proves how strong he is. This guy might even be able to last thirty seconds against me at my peak.\'

Ren was quite amused that there was someone this powerful in this world. Still to be able to meet someone like this, it must be because of Fateful meetings another one of the heroes passive skills. Ren who has fought many of them had also took a peak into their minds, he had gain intel about half of the heroes basic skills. At this moment he was sure the only reason that they had chance upon this shop was because of Valdel\'s great luck.

"Hey Ren why did you do that?" Valdel who noticed Ren\'s actions awhile ago approached him, with a look of disappointment in his face. It would seem like he hasn\'t found the owner yet. Well no matter how hard he looks he wont find the owner of this store.

Ren proceeded to explain to Valdel about the letter, and that they were inside a pocket dimension. When Valdel heard Ren\'s explanation the first question that came out of his mouth wasn\'t how to leave, or how to trick the owner into thinking he took only one item, no his question was.

"What happened to Lara? She saw the shop same as we did, then why wasn\'t she able to enter?" Of course his first question was out of worry for another. Ren smiled at how calm Valdel was taking this situation they were in.

"It might be Lara only saw the building because she was in close proximity to us, or it could be she was only half worthy and she was unable to pass the second test. No matter which happened, I\'m sure she\'s out there waiting for us. So how about we just pick a weapon and get out of here."

Seeing how calm his best friend was, made Valdel feel calm as well. So he nodded and proceeded to look for the weapon that was calling him since awhile ago.

Ren started to look at the place as well. The more he looked, the more amused he became. All the weapons in here, though they were dusty, and some even looked a bit rusty, all the weapons here were magical weapons. They could even be classified as legendary or mythical weapons. Some of them even felt Godly.


While Ren was looking around the shop which was bigger than he expected, he suddenly heard a voice. Actually It was two voices, yet he couldn\'t discern what kind of voice it was, it sounded both young yet old, it sounded both male and female, it sounded both threatening yet calming. A bunch of conflicting voices were what made up the two voices. He wasn\'t sure why he thought it was just two voices, but it just felt that way.

Ren approached the things that were talking to him. It was twin blades, one that looked darker than darkest night, and the other looked like the beautiful blue sky.

"Oh chosen one. You are the one who shall walk the path of the king of kings." Two beings were then projected out of the swords. One was clad with pure darkness while the other was clad in pure light.

"You who are chosen to walk the path of kings."

The being of light spoke "Will you choose the path of light that illuminates the darkness? If you do I shall grant you the power to save all."

The being of darkness spoke "or will you choose the path of darkness shadowing the light? If you do I shall grant you the power to destroy all obstacles."

Once more they spoke in unison "So the one who walks the path of kings which will you choose? Light or Darkness?"

Ren found their question amusing so he answered "I choose neither. The power to save and the power to move against all obstacles I will gain both by myself."

The two beings started to laugh cheerfully "You are one who walks the grey path the true path of kings. Though you may have declined our offer but nonetheless you are worthy to wield the swords. "Serenity of everlasting light and Chaos of eternal darkness."

"I am Chaos, the embodiment of destruction." The being of darkness proclaimed. "I am Serenity the embodiment of life and rebirth." The being of light proclaimed.

Ren who saw the majestic looking swords and heard what they had to say, couldn\'t help but smile. These two blades actually claim to be the embodiment of Destruction and Life. Well based on the power they were emitting that felt beyond divine, they might be telling the truth or they might just be exaggerating.

"So why choose me? Isn\'t that fool more worthy to become a king of kings?"

"No... As of now he only walks near the path of justice, which is only one side of the balance. What we need is someone who walks the grey path, one who treads between both light and darkness."

"Boring, that\'s too boring. I\'m going to pass on that offer."

"..." The two beings didn\'t know how to respond. They weren\'t expecting to be rejected like this.

It was not only the weapon that chooses the wielder, but the wielder also chooses the weapon.

The two beings tried their hardest to convince Ren. All the majesty they had displayed awhile ago was now long gone, as they desperately tried to convince Ren. Yet Ren continued to ignore them.

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