The Last Primal

Chapter 685 - Escort

Dark Shadow was somewhat similar to Madam Dara\'s secret operation, but at the same time, there was a fundamental difference between the two. Whilst Madam Dara and her house of courtesans hid in plain sight and carried out secretive operations under the cover of the night, the Dark Shadows remained hidden from the public.

They were a group of highly professional organizations of ex-assassins that have now grown into their own little resistance cell. Whilst their combat ability wasn\'t anything too remarkable, their ability to hide in plain sight for so long was truly remarkable.

Adding to the fact the mysterious leader of the organization was someone that Aiden was dutifully assigned both by the promise he had made as well as the System\'s assigned quest, made the whole risky operation, this endeavor the boys have decided to tackle all the more worthwhile. 

Thus, during their initial meeting, when Dragha briefed Aiden about the situation, he was surprised when he received the short, but all the more powerful statement. 

\'Halt everything. I will deal with this personally.\'

He was shocked, surprised, and excited all in one. With their lord\'s arrival, the discussion could take another route and they would no longer feel troubled when facing this young girl, the supposed leader of the Dark Shadow organization.

Their leader, whilst at first was going with the route of secrecy and was wearing a black, faceless oval-shaped mask with a large hood covering the rest of her features, decided after realizing who they actually were to unveil herself when the four Saurus captain\'s leader would arrive.

As such, when suddenly the guards came knocking explaining that they spotted a strange peddler coming with the young girl in his arms matching the description the four men have given, the leader\'s eyes lit up, showing surprising glee and an uncanny excitement even visible from under her thick cover.

After her momentary jubilee, she quickly came back to her senses and ordered the guard as well as her aide, Lady Circe to be as courteous as she possibly could and escort the father and daughter duo to the meeting.

"[Reptilian] Woaaah, this looks so cool! Just like our cave back home!" Tolliah cheered excitedly as she looked around. Her little head swayed around, she showed no fear, no trepidation despite walking into an ominous, and eerie dark alleyway. A typical shifty alley with barely any lighting and a site perfect to trap the unsuspecting prey in. 

Still, neither the daughter nor father showed any signs of care. For Tolliah, she would fear nothing as long as she could be with her papa, and as for Aiden, his honed senses coupled together with the system\'s cheats, who could have caught him unaware and ill-prepared? 

Aiden was calm as he still donned the mask of the old peddler, wearing his tattered, ragged robes. As for the previous scuffle with the contingent of Temple Guard forces, it was as if it hadn\'t happened at all. There were no traces left of the group at all…

Gently touching the tip of her nose, Aiden laughed as he shook his head. 

"[Reptilian] You are getting naughtier by each passing day, Little One! What if there are bad guys lying in wait trying to catch you?" 

"[Reptilian] Ehehehe, I have nothing to worry about as long as Papa is protecting me!" The little monkey, hanging from her father\'s neck, giggled, looking carefree and happy. 

Aiden could only sigh at the little girl\'s actions, giving a small peck at the top of her head before warmly whispering.

"[Reptilian] Of course. Your Papa will always protect you. No baddie can hurt you ever again."

Walking calmly straight ahead, he ignored the old vagrant standing beside the seemingly empty wall and stopped at the center of the alley. Holding the little girl in his arms, he showed no care, and whilst at a first glance he may have looked as vulnerable as any other, the truth couldn\'t have been farther from that.

Suddenly, a cold gust of wind began to blow, circulating the dust around his calm figure. The air whilst first it was gentle, increased in ferocity and power with each passing second, making the old vagrant look surprised at first, and grow more and more worried as he could slowly feel the thickness, the pressure in the air increasing.

Releasing the shackles from his power, Aiden allowed a bit of his powerful primal aura to descend over the vicinity. A growing pressure began to fall upon not just on the old man, but all the hidden figures lying in wait, engulfed by the shadows suddenly. The pressure gradually increased, and whilst Aiden showed no signs of being actively aware of their presence, the might of the mysterious pressure slowly forced each of the four shadowy guardians to come out of their magical hiding and fall on their knees on the ground.

Gritting their teeth, they had to concentrate to the best of their abilities just to stay conscious, they couldn\'t keep up circulating their techniques.

"[Reptilian] If you keep on hiding, I am afraid your boys\' suffering will just grow harder." Aiden suddenly spoke up, his tone was calm, yet the underlying, clear threat caused each presence to shiver in terror and fright. 

Giving it a grand contrast, he pecked a kiss on the little girl\'s head once more before continuing with another heavy sentence.

"[Reptilian] Or perhaps, you would prefer if I would extend the pressure on you too… Miss, hiding behind that illusion? My patience is limited." He said, increasing the pressure once again in the next instant.

The four guards, the elite assassins of the organization, were already forced down on their knees and have suffered more. Muffled grunts escaped their tightly closed lips as they tried their best but gradually felt their last bits of resistance leaving their frames.

Suddenly, a woman appeared, stepping out from behind the walls, seemingly looking as if she walked through solid material. She hurriedly bowed and spoke in a respectful manner.

"[Reptilian] Please, oh great lord, forgive us for our offense! We meant no ill will!" She exclaimed. 

Although Aiden wanted to punish these figures for throwing such an uncouth test at him, even though they were clearly in the know that he was coming with good intentions, he had to give it up when he saw the small emerging pout on the little one, Tolliah\'s face as she gazed up at him.

Even without words, he knew what she wanted, and as such, he could only sigh in defeat and once again, pull his aura back and relieve the burden from the shadowy quartet.


>>>Check out my latest novel: The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It\'s an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated (\'Banished\') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre:  # CULTIVATION  # R18  # BETRAYAL  # TRANSMIGRATION  # URBAN  # ACTION  # ANTIHERO  # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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