The Last Primal

Chapter 446 - 446 - Shadows

—Several Hours before, shortly after as Aiden and Number 3 vanished through the [Gateway] to Haven—

Just as the dark, black portal closed behind the Masked Mistress, a figure emerged from one of the inconspicuous corners of the surprisingly busy back alley.

There were no flashy effects, nor any signs or releases of magic, the figure appeared without any visible warning. It was as if the dark tendrils of the shadows themselves were protecting its figure.

The entity had a thin humanoid shape, vaguely resembling a man, though none of its features were visible. Its body was covered and shrouded in a thin layer of eternally black unnatural shadow. 

The entity had no presence or any aura, none of the hidden masters in the city would have been able to spot him. 

He watched the spot where the Masked Mistress just vanished standing still, unmoving.

"Interesting…" The shadowy silhouette muttered after a short while, his face seemingly turning towards the direction of the north of the city, more precisely, towards a large obelisk-looking tower, the tallest building of the Academy. "Things have finally started taking an interesting turn…"

Then, although the constant, unnatural darkness that seemingly either covered or maybe made this strange entity entirely, turned his head only slightly towards the west.

"…Still, there are some deviations from the intended course…" He muttered with a slightly displeased tone. "…I wonder what would those two say if I were to do a little bit of fixing? After all, it is slightly my fault that events have diverged to such a degree…"

The figure heaved a long sigh as he kept his attention fixated on the same direction for a while longer, before eventually coming to a decision.

He shrugged his shoulders, as he muttered once again.

"I guess, they wouldn\'t mind it too much…" He sighed, flicking his right hand casually.

Upon his action the dark looking portal opened in the next moment, its destination unknown.

The figure slowly, casually walked towards the gate, however, before stepping through, he spanned with his fingers, then stepped through without saying a word.

As the strange creature vanished, dark, shadowy tendrils shot up from the ground around the lifeless body that was left, hungrily devouring, swallowing it up in mere seconds. As the body was completely shrouded, the dark tendrils pulled it back beneath the ground, causing it to simply vanish, just like the strange entity, leaving absolutely no traces behind.

It was as if the body of the man was never there, to begin with.

Standing at the edge of a ridge, a tattered, ragged clothed figure was gazing over the distant horizon.

Her wrinkled old face, which usually held a gentle warm smile, was now looking solemn, somber as she gazed towards the distance. The dried-up, parched vast lands, devoid of life stretched all where her glowing golden, exotic-looking eyes could take her. 

Unlike her usual demeanor, Granny\'s body was trembling, filled with a vast cavalcade of emotions. Amongst the many, however, sorrow and grief were the most dominant, causing her elderly hands to twist into balls of tightly clenched fists. As her emotions were starting to overtake her, her body began to release a strange, yet familiar-looking pressure. 

The air sizzled under its might, creating a blurry haze around her as she continued silently gazing at the distance.

Minutes passed swiftly as the elderly Granny didn\'t seem to move, nor do anything other than basking in the storm of her own emotions and most likely, painful memories…

Eventually, she heaved a sigh as she slowly eased up on the pressure and reigned herself back to relative normalcy.

Her dominant aura gradually vanished, the glimmering gold faded from her eyes, her body stopped shaking, she let go of the nervous hold over her hands.

"The cycle starts anew." She sighed again, shaking her head as she finally turned around averting her gaze and looking at the unique cave entrance behind her.

High atop a mountain that only very few could cross, Granny stood in front of a beautifully designed, illustrious entrance. Even from a first glance, it was clear that there was nothing natural about it, the smooth edges, the intricate carvings, the symbolic runes that were etched all around it, was a clear, telltale sign after all.

Symbolic images of what seemed like dragons and humanoid, draconic creatures were depicted all around the walls. Yet, despite the design, this was a place that only a select few had knowledge about all across Eora.

For one, it was at a high altitude, far up in the mountains. Far above what normally could be seen from the ground.

For two, even if someone would have incredibly keen sight, or maybe enhanced vision, he or she would still skip over this place as the entire ridge and its vast vicinity were covered with powerful, ancient magic, keeping this place a hidden gem in the world.

Also, even if someone were to stumble into this place, he or she would not remember his experience, as the wards that protected this place would make sure to alter the invaders\' minds.

Even if the individual would be someone powerful, or gifted in the matters of the psyche, he or she would still have a very hard time escaping the almighty protections of this sanctified place. These wards, these symbols weren\'t something that the people of today would be able to decipher, they were remnants of a bygone era.

Looking at the cave entrance, Granny couldn\'t help but smile with a bittersweet, sorrowful expression. She sighed again, clearly disturbed, emotional, acting quite uncanny to her usual self.

Her tired, weary eyes slowly shifted from image to image, as she took in the sight, whilst reminiscing the past. She didn\'t speak, nor did she show any signs of distress, though the single tear that managed to escape from its hold through the corner of her left eye, betrayed her stature. 

Ignoring the escapee, she took another few seconds to bask and take in everything, before finally heaving a much heavier sigh and slowly making her way towards the entrance.

All the while, as she battled to restrain the tears that were doing their best to escape…

The air cracked, as a dark portal emerged from seemingly nothing inside the mansion\'s study room abruptly. In the next moment, just as the Masked Mistress walked out and appeared in her own study, there was a knock on the door.

The calm, aged voice of the head servant Sebas could be heard from the other side as he called out for his Milady.


Nodding, the masked lady called out with a gentle, warm tone.

"Come in, you know you do not need to knock."

Upon her words, the door was slowly opened, and the elderly butler, the same old man that just a short while ago attended the interrogation, walked in. Just like before he retained his strong, steady, and unperturbed disposure as he alighted into the room.

Taking only a few steps, Sebas closed the door behind him before taking a deep, respectful bow in front of her Mistress.

"My lady, you have safely returned."

The Mistress sighed as she looked at her faithful, loyal servant. She walked over to the windows, looking out from them just like she did every time.

"Raise, there is no need for this play, it\'s only us, Sebas. We have a lot to discuss… But first, tell me what happened?"

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