The Last Primal

Chapter 444 - 444 - The Little Lizard's Request

"[Orc] Yes, Young Master. It will be as you command!" The tall dark grey giant, Roas feverishly nodded at the words of her Master.

The trio of his minions, now with the addition of the dark green-scaled lizard with the unique-looking golden rings covering the entirety of his body, was walking towards the new addition of Gupta. 

Aiden had a small uncomfortable frown on his face, as he tasted the nickname of the region the residents have given to the mud-covered fast-transforming section of the city.

"[Orc] I don\'t know… Calling it the \'Heap\' is really derogatory." He turned to the child-sized lizard, looking at her with a questioning gaze. "Thuk, are you really fine with calling your home like that?"

The lizard, however, shook his head as his elongated reptilian face contorted into a smile.

"We don\'t mind, Young Master." He answered, following along with the rest of the group. The little saurling, like his supposed fully evolved, mature form, was walking on his hind legs, using his two strong, trunk-like strong arms only as support. Still, he looked somewhat similar to the modern world\'s gorilla. His features and presence were vastly different from the increasingly refined, human-like trio of ex-goblins and orcs. 

Compared to them, Thuk didn\'t lose his animalistic traits but instead grew into a much higher, much more dangerous form.

"I can understand why the others couldn\'t grow fond of the commune we are creating, however, you have to understand, while we can live by almost anything, we do prefer the places with more humidity in the air… Swamps are the ideal space for us." Thuk added, looking at his Master and walking by his left.

"I see." Aiden hummed, turning silent for a while, looking as if he was in deep thought. His servants thought he was debating Thuk\'s words as a request, they remained silent, allowing their Master to ponder.

Aiden had in actuality pulled up the System\'s screen and went to look at the new type of resource he could collect through the beings living here. He was debating how he could best go on fulfilling their request. Unfortunately, when he glanced over the number it was at a pitiful \'4\' which though turned him surprised, he quickly understood.

Even without Enya going on and explaining, he could realize that probably the system used it up when it made the weird changes to Number 3\'s body and allowed it to accept the core. Whatever it was, or no matter what sort of entity, creature, -be it god or worse-, intervened and made this impossibility turn to reality, it still needed his divinity as the medium.

Yet, now he could only sigh and look at his newest little follower with a regretful, bittersweet smile.

"I will need more time Thuk, but I promise you, that in the near future I will come back and create the best living conditions you and your people could dream for."

Hearing his master\'s words, Thuk suddenly stopped in his tracks, his body stiffened. He looked at his Master with a wide-eyed, stupefied expression, unable to formulate a word. He didn\'t even dare to dream for such a thing to ever happen. Especially without the rest of the lizardkin to come together once again.

"[Goblin] Brother Thuk, you should never question our Young Master\'s capabilities!" Glohn spoke, his tone was slightly reprimanding, though his face retained a small, thin smile.

[Goblin] Yes, just like teacher is saying, Young Master\'s powers are limitless! He is the God of this paradise!" Gob chimed in, his tone and look were incredibly prideful.

"[Orc] Little brother, take a gander over at those mountains…." Roas added pointing towards the distance. The distant mountain range, now clouded with puffy, white clouds could be seen peaking at the horizon.

"[Orc] They were created by the Young Master over the span of minutes!" He added, turning his attention towards the spacious, stretching lake that they \'cleverly\' named as Lake Gupta just yesterday, he added. "If that is not enough to convince you, look over Lake Gupta! That was also something he gave us just recently."

"[Goblin] Everything you see here, the grass, the rivers, even the forest over there…" Glohn pointed towards the distant forest line, as he exclaimed with the same pride as his other brothers. "Everything here, and by that I mean EVERYTHING, was created by the Young Master. This whole world, this safe space away from those ugly humans are given to us by your master. So if he says he will give you what you desire, you better be thankful rather than questioning him!"

"I…" Thuk was overwhelmed by the words of his peers. He wanted to speak and explain himself, but the words just didn\'t come. It wasn\'t that he didn\'t believe his Young Master, but what he just casually offered was the distant dream, a desire of his entire race for so many years… The hope of rebuilding the lost civilization of not just the skinks but the entire lizardmen population was something they all shared, no matter if you were a skink, a violent looking barbaric kroxigor, saurus, or any of the many different variations, they all shared a single dream, a hope, a desire across them: The hope to see their marvelous Temple-Cities once more. 

Yet, Thuk knew there would be a difference this time, instead of the customs, they would now turn their worship to a single entity, a young human-like boy that was much more… similar to their beloved Great One, their ancestor, the mysterious Progenitor.

When it came to this anomalous entity, not many had survived the dredges of time. The Progenitor, this being shrouded with mystery and questions, was something that only a very few races could vaguely recall.

Many say he, she or perhaps it, was the first sentient creature in the world. Some say that he was the creator, a god, or perhaps something, even more, nothing could be said with certainty, after all no texts, no sightings were ever made of this being.

Yet, somehow, some of those undying old ancestors somehow stubbornly refusing to leave the world of living often told these legends, myths to their young ones.

The truth, however, remained a mystery, an eternal question that like the lizardkin, or the elves, dwarves and the many other races shared amongst their kin.

Shaking his head, Thuk finally gathered his will, to break out of his trance. He violently punched at the ground, his large fist creating a small cavity in the soil.

"I understand, and I… No." He shook his head as he smiled at the Young Master. "…WE, the skinks and lizardmen of the future alike would be grateful if you could help us restore our ancient rites, young master!" 

He then, like back in the sewers, knelt down and tried to prostrate himself on the ground. Unfortunately for him, that was an almost impossible task due to his new physique. He looked rather awkward and clumsy as he was doing his best to showcase a true subservient posture.

"Please, young master, I beg you, help us restore the glory of the old days! Help us so that the world of this paradise can once again bask in the glory of our beautiful Temple-Cities!"

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