The Last Primal

Chapter 274 - 274 - Absorb


The mutated, abhorrent creature that just a few minutes prior was a dying orcish berserker bellowed an ear-shattering battle cry, his fearsome battle intent exploding from his body, descending on the battlefield with full force. 

His aura that besides full with his horrifying battle intent, also carried the mystical dark energies along with it, causing various, differing effects on everyone. His only surviving partner, the empowered and enraged orc warrior seemed to be revitalized, his swipes, attacks carried a renewed vigor, while at the same time, it had adverse effects on his opponent and the enemies.

Glohn, Gob, and Galina felt as if a thick, invisible miasma surrounded their bodies, slowly seeping into them. They felt resistance, and continuous struggle, that affected, slowed all of their actions. 

Aiden on the other hand, only felt a momentary power wash through him, that was rapidly being analyzed and contained by the system, feeling none of what his minions were struggling with. 

Taking a quick glance at the notifications in the system, an eager smile began to make its first appearance on his face. The system notified him of a new source of energy, that was currently being processed, the progress jumping by leaps and bounds as he kept absorbing the dark essences in the air. 

"[Orc] Good! Good! Come on, give me more! Is this all you got?!" He taunted with obvious glee. 

The monstrosity that became of the orcish berserker, roared at the words of the fragile-looking dark green figure ferociously, releasing even more of his power, focusing it on the visibly unaffected being in front of him.

His sanity, which was hanging by a thread already, snapped, descending into an eternal darkness, the rage and anger he felt over his defeat and the humiliation and the continuous taunts of this nobody finally shattered, defeated the last bits of his own mind\'s struggle.

Raising his massive arms in the air, he roared once more, with a bellowing battle cry. He swung both of his enormous fists down smashing the ground and releasing the brutal shockwave, shooting a large pile of rubble towards his hated opponent.

"[Orc] Now, now… That\'s not good, you will destroy the floor." Aiden chuckled, evading the approaching rubble with ease. He did not attack however, he was more focused on the constant updates on his system as it continued to analyze and process the energies that he was constantly bombarded with.

[Note: Dark Essence found! Progress...  43% … Gathering in progress...

The host is advised to continue with the absorption to complete the analysis process.]

[New passive skill: Magic Resistance: Dark (Lvl 1 - 0 / 1000 XP) has been successfully created!]

Reading through the \'advice\' the system gave him, Aiden\'s eyes glanced over the warrior that was once again in a stalemate against Glohn, a cruel smirk appearing on his face upon what he was about to do. Something he hadn\'t had a chance to do for such a long time...

"[Goblin] Glohn, you have done a splendid job holding off such an opponent. I will have to take over from here, I hope you don\'t mind."

Before Glohn could react to his young master\'s words, Aiden figure blurred, vanishing from his previous spot, stunning the monstrosity for a brief moment, along with the rest. Before they could have a chance to process and understand what happened, his figure appeared behind the orc warrior that was covered with a thin layer of the very same dark energy. The sound of flesh and skin tearing could be heard, as Aiden clawed hands pierced through the ambushed orc\'s body. 

Aiden\'s eyed lit up, shimmering in its usual golden luster as he looked at the stunning figure of the creature, his smirk creasing, curving higher and higher as he felt the rapidly waning life essence in his hand. His clawed hands were tightly gripping the creature\'s core, but this time, he didn\'t pull it out. No. What he planned was something that he hadn\'t tried for a long, long time.

The golden luster in his eyes burning with an increasing vigorous luster, his lips slowly parted, letting out a command that once caused even the greatest powers to tremble in fright.


Even he wasn\'t aware of the action, his voice rung out across the hallway, thundering boisterously, reaching the higher floors as well.

In the next moment, under the shocked gazes of his active minions, an inexplicable, horrifying event began to play out. The body of the pierced orc, began to tremble as rippled began to spread out with his core as the origin. The ripples, mystical waves grew in intensity, soon masking, shrouding the whole figure of the creature. 

From the core as the source, one after another, his organs, blood, flesh, and skin began to liquefy and flow towards the dark-green-skinned, golden-scale-covered, clawed hand, seeping, merging with it at a frightening speed.

The visage of the orc distorted, as his body rapidly transformed, turning into a dark, black viscous liquid that seeped, soaked into the boy\'s hand, vanishing at a scarily rapid, fast pace.

At the same time, an euphoric look could be seen on the youth\'s face, as he could finally feel this wonderful feeling as another life was merging into his very being, strengthening his body and soul.


At an unknown plane, inside the dimly lit room, the thin humanoid-looking shadowy being jumped up from his seat with shock and utter disbelief. 

"THIS CAN\'T BE! THIS…" He was stunned, out of words. The scene that just played out in front of him was momentous, it was simply impossible! Yet, it still happened, in front of his very eyes in fact.

His hands were shaking, his face that was kept behind the tendril of the perpetual shadows that covered his figure hid such emotions that he didn\'t know he could feel once again…

Still trembling, he reached out for the floating screen, that showed the euphoric, delirious expression of the young boy that just did something completely impossible. 

"It really is true… The Ancients… After countless millennia…" He mumbled, still unable to come to terms with this incredible reality.

Taking a deep breath, he slowly sat back down, entering deep thought. His mind was going at lightning speed as it tried processing the possibilities of this momentous feat. Determination flashed through his dark eyes, he raised his hand in the air.

As a similar-looking, dark portal emerged from the void, he gave the command to his most faithful servant.

"Go back and clean up. Clean up the camp, starting with those so-called leaders. Make sure that you are not seen by the boy nor any of his servants as you do your job."

The robust, bulky figure appeared from the darkness behind his master. With large strides he stepped in front of the desk and gave a deep bow. His guttural, hoarse voice rebounded in the small room with a fervent reverence.

"Yes, Master. It will be as you command."

Turning around, he was about to step through the gate, when his master\'s voice stopped him.

"Also… Make sure to leave the entrance to the Grotto intact."

"As you wish, Master." The bulky figure nodded, stepping through the gate, his figure vanishing. 

Being left alone once again, the shadowy figure receded back to his seat, his gaze on the screen floating in front of him. He entered, dived back into deep thinking once more. The little boy that he only had a slight interest in before, turned to be an even bigger surprise than he had hoped. 

"The Ancients… finally returning…" He sighed, whispering into the air, his words carrying a mixture of emotions.


At the room where the leaders of various conjoined tribes resided and were getting ready to give a proper welcome to the annoying brat and his party, were once again surprised with the emergence of yet another black portal. The gateway formed, the frightening monstrous creature that took away their master appeared once more.

His cold, dark brown eyes scanned the group of gathered leaders. He slowly reached for the scythe-shaped medallion hanging from his wide neck, speaking in an insipid, emotionless tone he gave the verdict that was entrusted to him by his master.

"[Orc] Master has made a decision regarding you all." This time, he was conversing in the orc\'s tongue, knowing that these primitive barbarians\' minds wouldn\'t be able to understand the better, more sophisticated languages.

His fingers wrapped around the strange medallion, as he kept his piercing, cold, impassive gaze upon the shivering orc leaders.

"[Orc] Oh great lord…" One of the leaders, closest to the gargantuan creature spoke with a timid, meek tone. "...May we ask, what the wise one\'s words were?"

If the trio of goblins would saw the subservient posture and submissive tone of this warlord, they would be shocked beyond belief. The vile, evil monster that sent out a command to kill and torment their people, the sadist was acting like a scared little boy in front of this unknown but frightening existence.

Keeping the emotionless, impassive look, the medallion transformed in the hands of the creature, rapidly forming into a large, terrifying scythe. Silvery, unnatural shine covering the blade of a weapon that reaped countless lives once has appeared once again!

The creature did not respond to the orc warlord\'s question… With the first, menacing grin appearing on his face, his cold eyes looked at the shaking warlords as if they were poultry ready to be cut down...


Back in the hallway, Aiden was still in the midst of processing all the gains he had just received, unaware of the ripples in the sea of fate he had just caused...

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