The Last Primal

Chapter 6 - 6 - The Cave Viper (Part 1)

Thinking about it, I was really an idiot. It was so obvious what these objects were, looking at them again. Why was I incredibly stupid, that I wanted to snap it in two, and played with it. It was obvious they were someone\'s eggs. And the least I could judge from its size was that their mother would be several times my size and most likely wouldn\'t take kindly trying to harm its children.

\'Aaargh, I really need to grow some brains in my next evolution! I really can\'t believe what trouble I got myself into!\' I was crying, while scurrying my way around the mushrooms in a zig-zag motion to avoid the enraged mother of the eggs, a huge golden scaled snake. It was like 30 times my size, or maybe more, it could swallow me without even realizing it. It was quite fortunate that I had the Dark Sense ability as without any hearing organ, I wouldn\'t really know where my huntress was, but with this ability, I could clearly see how it was closing the distance between us.

\'I have to find some hole to hide, otherwise I will quickly meet a very premature death, because of my stupidity.\' I had to find some sort of hideout for the next few hours, hoping that the snake would calm down a bit. I could also think about my next action, as I need to devise a strategy to overcome this hurdle.

While changing direction to the right to zag around a big redcap mushroom and avoiding a bite with a hair\'s breadth once again, I empowered my sensing ability and sent out the pulse to scan my surroundings for possible cover. Even the smallest, most uncomfortable hole would be enough right now, it would mean the difference between life and death. I have absolutely zero chance of survival right now and it\'s just a matter of time before the mother huntress eventually catches up to me and adapts to my movements.

As the scan\'s radius was growing as it travelled to the edges of my vision, I noticed a small gap between the large rock and the ground at the other side. It would require me to survive going through the open space while being chased.

I couldn\'t waste any more time contemplating, so I quickly cut to the left, and started rushing towards the direction of the rock. It was some distance away, but I could wiggle my way around the mushroom stalks and it\'s eggs to create some distance. The best choice does seem to focus on running along the eggs as the snake seems to become less aggressive while I\'m around them. I could go from egg to egg for some distance and cover my last bits of the remaining distance using all my power to rush into the relief that the small gap represented.

[Aiden, remember that you can use your Soul Power to increase your speed by empowering your legs with the energy. This could give you the boost that you desperately need.]

Enya\'s reminder came as a surprise, because up until this point, I didn\'t realize that I could use my Power for such purposes. I only used it for my vision thus far, and while I was looking forward to the point where I could use this mystical energy to shape the ground around me, or hurl balls of fire, or maybe use this power to cut through solid objects with just the air, I never realized I could use it to increase the output of my muscles.

\'How do I do that? Is it similar to how I use it with my Dark Sense? I just tap into it, and direct the flow of energy to muscles in my legs?\' I asked while I continued to dodge and keep my lead.

[That is correct. Just guide the flow and shape it to your liking.]

With no time to waste, as every second could be the difference between me surviving or becoming lunch, I tapped into my Soul Power. I wanted to feel it clearly, before I attempted something I had never done before.

It was always such an incredible experience, everytime I submerged myself in this mystical pool of energy I wanted to feel it more and more. I could get drunk on this. The thrill of the chase already gave me a boost of adrenaline, and now these levels got further boosted when I engorged myself into my own power. I felt like with a bit more I could even take on this massive predator, changing our little status quo. I knew I wouldn\'t really stand a chance against it, but still the feeling it gave me, almost wanted me to stop on my tracks, turn around and fight head-to-mandible with it.

I shook my head to clear it from the ill thoughts, and then guided the flow of energy into my 3 pairs of legs, and connected them to my muscles. I immediately felt my tiny muscles in my leg branches swelling and going overdrive, increasing my speed. The boost this gave me almost doubled my speed, swooshing forward like a tiny black rocket confusing the snake with a sudden turn of events. It was really close, and was just waiting for me to leave the range of its

eggs to end this little charade.

***(Snake PoV)***

It almost caught up to this insect, it was just waiting to rush towards the mushroom stalks, to bite down and put an end to this pointless cat and mouse game. However now, with its prey suddenly increasing speed it got really angry. It could not let this little insect get away after endangering one of its eggs. It was an inferior species, below the food chain, just some simple meal. It was already confusing that it tried to scurry away, as these bugs usually just eat the mushrooms, and do not even defend themselves. The main reason it placed its eggs deep in this cave system was because this was the primary home of these brainless, but very tasty insects. Crunchy and juicy, full of energy, it was the perfect substance for the children. They could exercise and train their hunting habits on the endless supply of these bugs.

But now, this one bug, this one pesky little creature, had the gall not just to stand up for itself, but to almost crush one of the eggs! And to top it all off, now it\'s running away! It was bigger than the others as well, almost double their size. It could not let go of this insult, it had to swallow this insect now.

With renewed determination, the snake opened its mouth wide, and with a loud hissing sound, it aimed it\'s fangs in the direction of its prey. Dark, green thick liquid was spit out from the roots, soaring through the air, towards the target. This was the snake\'s primary weapon, it\'s ultimate trump card, a very corrosive acid. It could even dissolve the rocks in this cavern with ease, it should be no trouble killing one bug.

Soaring through the air, it missed its target just by a small margin, because that pesky bug suddenly dodged to the right, seemingly noticing the liquid projectile ahead of time. The thick, sticky green liquid was now sizzling on the ground, proof of it\'s incredible corrosive trait. This was just another one of the wonders that this prey did so far. With another angrier hissing sound, it opened its mouth again, and gathered its corrosive saliva to gather for a new spit.

***(End of Snake PoV)***

Thank god, that the Dark Sense ability was kept empowered all the while. It did put a toll on the already quickly decreasing pool, but this time this investment proved it\'s worth, as it saved my hide. I noticed a projectile flying towards me, and I just had barely enough time to dodge to the right to avoid yet another close call with the reaper. I could not look back, but checking my sensory radar, I saw the liquid sizzling on the ground, showing that my predator wasn\'t just playing around with me. This really was a battle to the death.

\'Why did it become so angry?! I haven\'t hurt the egg, I just lifted it from the ground! I admit I was just about to crush it, but that was just because I thought it was a mineral! I was crying inwardly. This whole situation could have been avoided if I would have thought just a bit, before I let my curiosity get the better of me. I really need to work on my behaviour if I survive this ordeal. Self restraint, and a calm mind, is paramount of survival. Acting on my instincts is an animalistic trait, and while I am an insect currently, I am, or at least I was a human.

Thinking back to the start of this ordeal, it was really just a misunderstanding. I was lifting that egg, and when I noticed that deadly gaze on me, I put the egg down, and turned around to meet the angry mother. I slowly crawled backwards, thought that I was giving its due respect, however that just angered it more. The mother opened its mouth, and moved its head lightning fast towards my direction trying to swallow me down.

It was at that moment that I jumped to the left, unfortunately knocking the same egg away and avoiding the deadly bite. This action just poured more oil to the already raging flames, and without any other way to express myself I instead turned tail or in this case kitin shell and scurried away along the small forest of mushrooms. While I was running away, I got a new notification, making me curse inwardly yet again, on my streak of unfortunate events.

I\'m not going to say I was a pacifist in my previous life or if I\'m planning to become in this one, but I would rather avoid senseless killings, even if the target is just an animal or insect. Unless I have a good reason, I would prefer doing that. Sadly this time, I was forced into a deadly encounter with my pursuer, as the last task was:

[-Survive and kill one of your natural predator (0/1)]

Looking to the sizzling mound quickly exiting my range of senses behind me as I was making my way towards the gap, I realized we are far over from any sort of discussion. This fight will go on until either this snake, or me will meet its End.

Strangely, instead of panic, this realization calmed my mind, making me more focused. I increased my speed a bit more and shot my way towards the gap. The snake seemed to notice that my pace increased yet again, increasing closing its mouth, and increasing hers as well. It seemed determined to catch me before I could get into the cover.

\'I\'m sorry, but this will probably hurt your pride quite a bit. I WILL GET TO THAT HOLE WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!\' I shouted in my mind, and with that I was at the last few meters, the last few seconds to get to safety. At least temporarily, until I could get away.

The situation turned for the worst, when the snake launched itself to the sky, flying through the air at an incredible speed towards the hole. It seemed to notice that its only way to catch me, would be to do this risky maneuver. I wasn\'t going to let this be the end either, I used all of my remaining energy and pushed myself way over my limits, and increased my speed yet again. My legs were hurting like hell by now, probably caused myself some lasting damages as well. The pain was starting to get to me, making it increasingly harder to stay conscious. This time however, wasn\'t the time for any regrets, or second guesses, so with my last bits of the remaining willpower I shut down my Dark Senses, directing that tiny bit of energy as well to my legs. I was once again in the complete darkness, but I knew that my destination was just ahead of me.

With that information in my mind, I launched myself into the air jumping for the second time in my short bug life, just before I lost consciousness…

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