Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 869 869 Roots

Chapter 869 Chapter 869 Roots

"Come nearer. We can\'t finish all these food with just the 3 of us." This was our bored gamer\'s reply when he heard the starving sound that was all so audible in his ears.

The scene was both comedic and sad. Nevertheless, Clark only offered a gentle smile to hide his thoughts completely from these pitiful souls.

"Thank you, Master Ninja!" An olden wise man said first.

"Thank you, Master Ninja!"

"Thank you, Master Ninja!"

"Thank you, Master Ninja!"




And the flock followed in this tune. A breath later, a mad crowd rushed in since they wanted to fill their empty stomachs with hot meat.

"DING!" Every single one of them was stopped by an invisible wall of wind before they could ever take the final steps to their quest.

"Fall in line and no pushing. I don\'t want to feed dark savages in my home. You should know that while I\'m here, everyone of you are already mine to possess.

You can leave in the morrow if you wish not to be under me but to those that would chose to stay, i want you to know that above all i hate scum in my sight. You have been warned."

These words coming from our very own protagonist cleared the people\'s minds. They realized once more that the one before them was a dignified ninja.

With just a simple word and perhaps a couple of hand signs, their heads would no doubt tumble down from the lofty perch of their shoulders. Nobody amongst them wanted that at all.

Their heads were fine at where they were.

"You, you, and you. Come here and take these food first to the weak and sick. Be kind to them and leave them ample sustenance.

Do something untoward to my command and i shall take your lives as penalty." Clark pointed at the three biggest men he could find in the scene.

"We shan\'t dare, Master Ninja!" One of the 3 big guys bowed low and he was the first to approach our avid gamer.

The other two followed next and before long, the three of them brought baskets of hot meat as well as gallons of fresh water from a nearby river.

Either the water in this river was so pure that it did not make ill everyone who drank from it or the bodies of the people in this world was already quite resistant to disease, the reason mattered little.

This was a fantasy world after all.


"It feels like i have adopted sixty nine children all at once." Clark muttered under his breath. With a quick scan in the camp, the only remaining people alive numbered no more than 69.

It did not need telling that that was an auspicious number indeed. To this truth, our bored gamer could only smile and shake his head at the same time.

"Thank you for your kindness, Master Ninja!"

"Many of us would have died without you!"

"From now on, i will faithfully serve you!" The night ended with thanks, praise, and pledges. More than that, everyone had their tummies full of hot delicious food.

* * *

"Well... I guess that lucky number could not go against the test of the evening." Clark said once the bright morning sun has slowly pushed away the coldness of the dark.

From a population of 69, it was down to 62 in just one night alone.

Seven guys has to force themselves upon the barely legal sex slaves they kept and our bored gamer has of course ended their little lives before they could complete the act.

Although these girls might have gone willingly into servitude in order to get some food and a roof over their heads in return but Clark had to keep his words from last night.

He did not like scum one bit. As for the girls, they won\'t starve any more since our avid gamer was here to stay.

This was so much better than spreading their legs for someone they had no real feeling for.

"Good morning, Eto-sama!" Yuuka greeted happily while her older sister just looked at our good gamer with attention.

It was clear that they were more than willing to please their master and savior.

"Have you both eaten?" Clark asked. He could see that the two had been busy cleaning the house for hours it seemed.

Not that they had to do much since he perfected this private structure yesterday. Nevertheless, Yuuka and Miyuri cleaned every inch of this big house a couple of times more.

They wanted to be worthy in the eyes of our very own protagonist.


"..." The two answered not.

"You should not wait for me. I already showed you how to cook yesterday, yes?" Our bored gamer asked again.


"..." Yuuka and Miyuri merely nodded in reply. They had their heads bowed and they could not look at their benefactor. It was obvious that they were ashamed to take someone else\'s food.

"If you feel hungry then you need to cook for yourselves. I have left tons of meat in the kitchen. All you need to do is prepare them to however way you like."

Clark said and the two again nodded. Though these children were only 4 and 7 years old but everyone matured fast in this dog eat dog world.

More than that, they had stronger bodies that mortals in worlds that has no spiritual energy.

"Come. Let me show you how to cook one more time." Our bored gamer smiled and this has also brought an epic smiles upon the faces of the girls.

"You\'re the best, Eto-sama! Me and my older sister shall be the ones to cook dinner for you. We will make sure that you will love it! We promise!" Yuuka pumped one cute fist.

"Hehehe. You don\'t need to worry about me, Yuuka. I eat little. By the way, what is this place called?" Clark asked.

Since he wanted to settle here, it would be good to know the name of this piece of earth to begin with.

"That... i don\'t know." Yuuka scratched her head. All she remembered was that she kept running when those horrible ninjas killed their parents.

She collapsed, felt unconscious, and opened her eyes in this place. She then looked at her older sister.

"I also have no idea, Eto-sama. A good samaritan saved me and my sister. He p..." Miyuri bowed her head in apology. She did not like to appear stupid in front of her master.

More than that, she could not help but feel lonely when she remembered their savior from the past.

"I see. It doesn\'t matter. Since I\'m already the one feeding all the people in this forest, i should just adopt everyone as my own.

Starting from today, this forest will be the home of the Hajime Clan!" So thus started the tale of how the strongest clan in the world was founded.

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