Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 462 462 The Same Annoying Rats

Chapter 462 Chapter 462 The Same Annoying Rats

The laughter continued for a long time and there were happy jokes thrown around at the expense of our very own protagonist.

Alas, this was not enough to make our bored gamer lose his cool at all.

"It seems like you have already lost your magic on women, master."

"Should we begin looking for another master to follow perhaps?"

"Or maybe we should start getting tips from Ben later on." The disciples went on a long string of laughter once more but same as the last, Clark merely took everything with a calm smile.

"Ohhh... I would not do that if I were you. After all, the game has only just begun." Our good gamer said and this made the geeks around him pause in anticipation.

All of them were very excited to know what would happen next between their fat master and the campus belle.

The afternoon classes started and it ended also with the usual lessons in college life.

Either the teacher would spoon feed them with knowledge or the students would research and do a live report in class, nothing was new in the classroom atmosphere.

At least this batch of students has already begun to pave their road towards adulthood and there were great changes to be had amidst this adulting period.

The responsibilities and the future prospect of the careers laid in the foundation that they would build at this very moment.

Everyone may be excited, fearful, or just plain stunned in place, but not our bored gamer. Clark has a much further outlook than these baby students around him.

"Hmmm... Since the call attempt ended in a failure, let me now properly introduce myself in person."

"I don\'t believe that i can\'t win a mere mortal girl in this world." Our bored gamer muttered as he walked into a specific direction in mind.

He looked around him and tried to spot a stray noble on the way but alas, it appeared like no monster or noble would waste their time in this public university.

When Clark was about a floor below his target, he was met with an unexpected hurdle along his path.

"Are you Caden Stone?" A big college student asked in a hard tone. Behind him were almost 30 students with the same eternity tattoos on different parts of their bodies.

To guess who sent these fools was pretty obvious indeed.

"I am. What up?" Clark replied and he stood his ground with a nonchalant demeanor on his person.

It would be so easy to recreate what has happened yesterday at this very same time also.

"Our master summons you. Come and follow us." The big student answered. His voice grew into a mere whisper at this point.

"If your master wants to see then he would have to come to me and not the other way around." Clark smiled and began walking right through the pile of bodies on his path.

He stopped one step away from the closest young man.

"Move or i will do it for you. I have been known to be careless when moving useless objects on my way."

Our bored gamer advised and some of the 30 boys desperately took one step back at this time.

One could see that these few smart ones did not want to suffer the same fate of their brothers who were still recuperating in the hospital even as this very moment.

Their current conditions were beyond pitiful indeed!




A shuffling of feet happened and before long, a wide path opened up in consequence.

"It seems like this is your lucky day. You should all stay wise from now on." Clark gave a valuable lesson and left those pack of weaklings without even giving them another glance at all.

To be honest, punishing dirty rats can get very tedious indeed. Especially when they appear to have an infinite amount in every corner of reality.

Evil was after all the eternal brother of goodness. One cannot exist without the other.

A couple minutes more and our bored gamer has finally arrived in a room full of busy boys and girls.

What was curious to see was that everyone in here seemed to know one another quite well.

More than that, a slight age gap was also present in comparison to our good gamer since all souls in this classroom were a whole lot more physically older than our very own protagonist.

It did not need saying that this group of students were all seniors and a graduating class this year.

"Who is that fat kid?" A young man asked when he noticed that an unknown fat boy was walking into their midst.

"PAK!" A heavy slap on the head resounded and a trembling whisper came next.

"Shut your mouth, fool! That\'s Caden D. Stone!" The slapper informed his stupid classmate.

The members of the Zeta Alpha Fraternity named the primary suspect for what had happened to their crippled brothers.

The Empire Police got the report and not even one question or arrest reached the presence of our very own protagonist.

Thus, the Zeta Alpha Fraternity moved on to the next best thing they could do.

They went for a trial by publicity. It was obvious that Clark\'s picture and name was already circulating in every nook and cranny of the online community.

This was the reason why our bored gamer has become a worldwide sensation overnight. Unfortunately for them all, Clark couldn\'t care less for what they think of him as a person.

As long as his identity as a monster remained hidden, other things were simply trivial at best.

An uncomfortable silence descended on the scene and this special atmosphere was also realized by our very own Freya Barnes. She was there crowded by males and females alike.

Very much akin to a beautiful flower in bloom with a horde of bees vying for its first taste. Freya looked up from her chair and was curious to see the source of this eerie stillness.

It did not take long for her to find a very fat young man who just stood there as if the world was made to bow before his presence.

"It\'s nice to finally meet you, Freya. I have a proposition in mind that I think you would be very interested in. I\'m Caden by the way. Caden D. Stone."

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