Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 604 - To Wage War Within...

The next day, news of the Monument\'s arrival had reached the Imperial Capital as well as the ears of every Duchy ruler in the Haron continent.

No one doubted that the news would have reached the major players in the Dystopian Continent.

The Monument of Ordinances was early.

Never in the history of the Nexus world has this happened.

As it was not just a little bit early but Four thousand five hundred years ahead of schedule.

The shock that was caused by this phenomenon did not last, however.

Yes, the monument was early but the Haron Continent was ready for its arrival.

There were multiple youngsters at the Cosmic Phenomenon realm and above who would greatly benefit from the monument.

Just the thought of the entirety of the young generation possessing Ordinances to further bolster their strength and In turn, bolster the strength of the Haron Empire was enough to get many patriots excited.

But they were quickly brought down with the thought that the Dystopian continent most likely had similar thoughts.

Not to mention, if Ordinance comprehension was so easy, all those who went into the monument the last time would possess ordinances, and that was not the case.


Imperial City...

Imperial Palace...

Imperial Court...

Amado Haron, the Emperor of the Haron Continent, lounged in his throne with his cheek resting on his right fist that was held up by a stable foundation of his elbow against the throne\'s armrest.

The Emperor eyed the members of his court who were at the moment convened in the throne room.

His green eyes were almost bored as he eyed them all but his lips were smiling.

His presence in the throne room was impossible to ignore.

Even while he was still, he demanded respect and commanded authority as the supreme ruler of the Haron Continent.

Amador Haron looked physically to be in his late thirties or early forties with a handsome face and a fit physique that was still shown off despite his important and dignified Imperial robes.

It had been three days since the arrival of the Monument of Ordinances and that had been more than worth it for the full court to convene.

It was a matter of the Empire\'s security and was a topic that especially concerned the youngsters of the Haron Empire who were also regarded as its future so it was a serious matter.

All twelve Duchy rulers were present and certain Elders of the Haron Imperial family as well as the head of the Silver moon sect and the Empire\'s chief soothsayer, Makena.

The high-ranking generals of the collective Haron continent were present as well. Among them or especially present in fact, was Devon Dane. 

The Dane monster was, after all, one of the most celebrated Generals in the Haron Empire.

Makena was at the forefront of the right side of the court lineup and was closest to the Emperor.

She bowed low to him,

"Your Majesty, one year ago, I reported that I had noticed a sudden change in the predetermined path of events to occur in the Haron Continent. This is what I was referring to.

And a sudden change it truly is.

One that will have an impact on the continent as a whole.

I also advised that we prepare for tho change..." Makena said and someone snorted.

He was the Duke of the Arkene Duchy, Rody Arkene.

He was a man with a large and muscular build and a grouchy face to boot.

"Excuse me?" Makena turned to eye the Duke.

Now Rody chuckled, a deep rumbling sound before he said,

"You reported a change but was never specific. How were we to prepare for such unspecific and unclear circumstances?

Honestly, I see no difference in you reporting and you simply keeping your mouth shut" 

He let a few seconds pass so that his words could sink in and so that his next words would be seen as an attempt at politeness that was in no way genuine,

"No offense"

Makena smiled but her eyes were smoldering as she said,

"None taken. But I feel I should point out that the lack of specifics or \'clarity\' has never been a reason to question the legitimacy of my visions.

They have always proved useful or I would no longer be in the Emperor\'s court"

She neglected to add that she was also ranked higher in the court than him but it was implied and Rody had understood as evident by his smile slip.

When he spoke next, it was without a facade,

"And yet, your \'visions\' did nothing to prevent the attack on your Sect. An attack that destroyed a lot of your important structures and I still can\'t believe did not do away with any members of your sect."

Makena clenched her fists and released them before she said,

"The situation with my sect was a different matter altogether but I see no reason to explain myself to you..."

"That\'s enough" The Emperor cautioned in a low voice that instantly shut everyone up.

This was Amador\'s court and this was his domain to rule.

"That is enough. Rody, I will not tolerate insults directed at Makena... To question her words is to question mine" he said.

"I wouldn\'t dare to question you, Your majesty" Rody said with a bow, and Amador smiled thinly in what seemed an acceptance of his apology of sorts.

"Makena reported to me and I have begun preparations. 

My Imperial decree for every Duchy to be dedicated to the raising of the strength of their forces and in turn, giving up that strength to the collective that is the Haron Continent is all a part of my preparations.

Whatever happens, preparation is key.

However, now that the monument of Ordinances has arrived ahead of schedule and was what Makena\'s visions referred to, I see it as nothing but good news" he said.

A man with silver hair and silver eyes that told of him being a Silva and was none other than the Duke of the Silva Duchy, Hubert Silva, furrowed his brow and said,

"But, your majesty, if it is good news for us, then it is good news for the Dystopians. The presence and the entry of the monument is one of the most neutral periods between the two continents..."

Everyone understood what he meant.

The monument always formed a demarcation along the borders of the two continents that was impossible to cross and would also ensure that no. war occurred between both continents all through its presence.

It would provide two opposing doorways.

One facing the Haron Continent and one facing the Dystopian continent.

"... How do we take advantage... Unless..." Hubert paused suddenly and his eyes widened in the realization of what the Emperor had in mind,

"You finally understand?" The Emperor asked and Hubert nodded.

Amador then looked around at the faces of those present and while it was clear that they understood what was going on, he decided that he might as well explain better,

"Yes, the period when the monument is around is the most neutral between our human continent and the Dystopian continent but that demarcation does not exist within the monument.

Within the monument, it is all the more likely that a Human meets up with a Dystopian while wandering about the inside of the monument but this time, within the Monument, it would not simply be a chance meeting.

It will not be one where they would meet and have a simple exchange before returning to focus on the comprehension of an Ordinance.

Their mission would be every bit the hunt down and killing off of every Dystopian they meet as well as it is to comprehend an Ordinance.

Everyone who enters the monument will be armed to kill as many Dystopians as they can kill within it" the Emperor said with a kind of manic look in his eyes.

"You are declaring that they wage war... Inside the monument of Ordinances" The Dreg Duke said slowly.

The Emperor nodded,

"Exactly. They are to be adequately armed to cut the dystopians down as much and as aggressively as they can.

We have a month before the Monument opens up and begins allowing entry...

We have much to do...."

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